POCP is utilizing the Polygon blockchain to ensure low gas fees and efficient transactions. The platform is built upon two robust smart contracts: PocpProxy.sol and PocpImplementation.sol, employing advanced technologies and practices to enhance functionality and optimize costs.

Smart Contracts:

  • PocpProxy.sol: This contract acts as a proxy, handling the operations and interactions, ensuring seamless functionality.

  • PocpImplementation.sol: An ERC721 contract, PocpImplementation is central to the creation and management of non-transferable NFTs or Soul Bound Tokens.

  • PocpRegistry.sol: This smartcontract hold data of all the Pocp contracts deployed and all the Pocps minted.

Utilizing OpenZeppelin’s EIP1167 standard, POCP reduces deployment costs by cloning the PocpImplementation.sol contract rather than deploying new instances. This method not only minimizes costs but also enhances the efficiency of contract interactions.

Deployment and Minting:

Issuers can easily deploy the PocpImplementationcontract and mint non-transferable NFTs using a user-friendly React application. This process ensures that Soul Bound Tokens are securely and uniquely minted to the wallets of the learners, affirming their educational achievements.

Certificate Storage:

Certificates are securely uploaded to the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), ensuring decentralized and permanent storage. This approach guarantees the enduring accessibility and availability of certificates, further enhancing the platform's reliability and trustworthiness.


POCP employs 0xPass for effortless onboarding, enabling social login for users, thereby ensuring a smooth and accessible user experience. This feature enhances the platform’s accessibility, allowing issuers and learners from across the globe to easily navigate and utilize the platform.

Optimization and Security:

Both PocpProxy.sol and PocpImplementation.sol are meticulously optimized for gas, ensuring low-cost operations on the Polygon blockchain. Furthermore, these contracts have undergone rigorous testing and auditing, ensuring their robustness, security, and reliability in handling certifications and NFTs.

Last updated